Bron flwyddyn ar ôl i mi ddechrau'r blog ac rwy wedi penderfynu dod nôl ato fe. Mae wastod digon yn mynd ymlaen ar fy meddwl.
Mae pleser gennyf i ddweud mod i wedi graddio gyda BA yn y Gymraeg ac roedd y blog hwn yn help mawr yn ystod cwplhau'r traethawd estynedig, cefais y farc uchaf dwi erioed wedi cael yn y brifysgol ac roedd y peth yn cyfrif am bron chwarter y gradd, felly diolch i chi am hwnna. Mi oedd yr arbrawf cymdeithasol yn lwyddiant.
Un o'r pwyntiau a wnes i ar ddiwedd y traethawd oedd 'mae technoleg yn chwarae rôl fawr mewn bywydau pobl yn eu hugeiniau; fwy nag erioed' ac rwy dal yn cytuno gyda hwnna. Rwy'n parhau i'w defnyddio, pethau fel Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. Mae'n rhywbeth arall i wneud nag ateb e-byst trwy'r dydd sbo. Ond mae na rhai bobl sydd yn ei defnyddio i'r eithaf ac yn 'byw arno fe'. Rwy'n trial peidio â gwneud hwnna, ym mhersonol ond wrth gwrs, blogiau fel hyn yn un ffordd o ysgrifennu pethau a gweld a ydy pobl yn cytuno neu beth bynnag.
Mae tipyn o newid wedi bod ers Ionawr 2014; rwy wedi symud i Abertawe, dechrau cwrs MA Cyfieithu Proffesiynol ac rwy'n dechrau meddwl am gyrfaoedd yn ddifrifol, ar ôl gweithio rhan-amser trwy gydol fy astudiaethau ers oeddwn yn 16 oed. Teimlo'n hen nawr.
Hefyd, dwi am wneud y blog hwn yn ddwyieithog o hyn ymlaen. Nad oedd digon o amser i fi gwneud y tro diwethaf ond bellach rwy'n credu fod angen ymestyn. Bydd e'n help i fi cyfieithu hefyd. Bydd y Gymraeg wastod yn bwysig i mi ond mae digonedd o bobl sy'n cael ei caeed mas o fy mywyd oherwydd nad ydynt yn siarad Cymraeg. Mae'r tool ar ochr y tudalen Google Translate ddim yn cyfieithu o Gymraeg i Saesneg hefyd felly fel mae nhw'n dweud yn Saesneg, 'if you want something done properly, do it yourself'.
Dyna fel mae Cymru fodern - nid yw pawb yn gallu siarad Cymraeg bellach ac nid yw'n bosib i fyw yn Gymraeg trwy'r dydd bob dydd, er mod i o'r farn y mae llawer o ddiddordeb yn fwy o bobl nag erioed, yn enwedig pobl yn eu hugeiniau. Ond nid ydynt am ddysgu Cymraeg pe bai nad oes angen iddynt, hynny yw bydden nhw ddim yn colli mas os nad ydynt yn gallu siarad Cymraeg. A gorfodaeth yw'r ateb?
Felly, bant â ni. Bydd y blog yn wahanol y tro hyn gan fydd e'n trafod pethau dyddiol, stwff teithio, materion cyfoes ac unrhywbeth dwi am drafod mewn gwirionedd, yn Gymraeg a Saesneg.
Diolch am ddarlen a dyma llun o Bae Rhossili yn Abertawe a gymerais nôl ym mis Tachwedd i chi gael gweld.
Almost a year has passed since I started this blog and I've decided to restart it. There's always too much going on in my head to be honest.
First things first, I had the great pleasure of graduating from Swansea University with a BA in Welsh and this blog was a major help during my dissertation which got me the highest mark ever during my time at uni. Being that the dissertation counted for almost a quarter of my entire degree, I would very much like to thank my online audience for their involvement, as well as the Blogiadur and fellow friends and acquaintances who managed to promote it as well as they did; without you this would not have been possible. The social experiment was indeed a success in finding out to what extent do young adults use and care about the use of the Welsh language online.
One of the points I made at the end of the dissertation was how much technology plays a vital role in the everyday lives of young adults in their twenties. I still stand by that statement and continue to use things such as Faceboook, Twitter, LinkedIn (something to do instead of replying to e-mails every day I suppose) but there are alot of people who take this to the extreme and live on Facebook, which I don't agree with. I try not to do that personally but of course, blogs like this are one way of talking to the world and gaining a response, be it positive or negative.
Quite a lot has changed for me since January 2014; I've moved to Swansea, started a new Masters course in Translation and I am starting to grasp opportunities whole heartedly, having worked part-time for so long throughout my studies. I definitely feel old now.
I am also making this blog bilingual from now on. There wasn't really enough time for me to do this last year, seeing as the blog was academic and had to be completed within certain time constraints but I think it needs extending. It will help me in my translation work, seeing as that is what I plan to make my living from. Also, quite frankly, the Google Translate function on the side of the page is rather useless and doesn't translate from Welsh into English straight away.
Welsh will always be important to me but there are so many people that get shut out of my life sometimes due to the fact that they don't speak Welsh. Unfortunately, that is modern Welsh society for you - not everyone has the ability to speak Welsh anymore and it isn't possible to live in Welsh all day everyday. Having said that, the interest to learn Welsh within people in their twenties is far greater than ever before, the people that I have met have proved that, but I think the overall consensus is, 'If I don't need to learn it, I won't' which calls for all sorts of arguments with compulsion, Welsh only schools etc.
Anyway, that's it for now. The blog will differ slightly this time as I will be discussing daily things, travelling, current affairs and anything I just want to talk about really, in Welsh and English.
Thanks for reading and have a good one.
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